John Zierold

These interviews cover: the Planning and Conservation League, founding and lobbying activities, 1965-1970; Sierra Club internal management, Sacramento legislative office, volunteer-staff relations, 1970-1984; lobbying for major environmental legislation, 1965-1984; coastal protection, forest practices, California Environmental Quality Act, energy and water policy, limits on nuclear power, air quality, liquified natural gas terminal; Governors Ronald Reagan, Edmund G. Brown, Jr., and George Deukmejian environmental policies; comments on operation and leadership of California legislature; Sierra Club political endorsements and campaigning.

Date of Interview



Ann Lage



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Portrait of John Zierold. In a black and white photograph, an older white man is seen seated, wearing a suit coat, white shirt, and dark tie, looing at the camera.
Courtesy of The Bancroft Library Oral History Center

If you're willing to work for good candidates and, therefore, directly or indirectly for good government, ultimately I think the success will come. I believe we'll prevail.